Each month I feature one of my favourite YouTube channels, sharing the little things I like about them and of course the video I like best. This month is Simply Nailogical.

I originally came across Cristine’s channel when the “100 layers” videos were doing the rounds. You wouldn’t think 100 layers of nail polish could look so creepy! I can’t even begin to imagine how long it took her to do either. Sometimes the second coat of nail polish can take five minutes to dry.
It can be really hard not to laugh out loud while watching Cristine. I find her quite relatable and really funny. Plus I really don’t know how she has managed to come up with so many ideas for videos that involve nail polish.

I have had success using the water marble technique on my nails, although as you can see from the video it gets pretty messy. While the end result looks amazing, all of the efforts that go into making water marble nails just isn’t worth it. I think Cristine got the best results with the shoes. I wonder how long it would last or if it would peel off once its dry. I’m certainly not game to give it a go.

You can see more of Cristine from Simply Nailogical on her YouTube channel.