

From pregnancy and newborn care to child development and nurturing healthy relationships, this category offers valuable guidance to support you on your parenting journey.

My IVF Regrets


In-Vitro Fertilization, or IVF, comes with a lot of things. And for me, one of those things is regret. While IVF treatment can be amazing, it certainly is life-changing, regardless of the result. But, as I said, I have a few IVF regrets. Here's hoping you learn from me and have zero regrets about your cycle of IVF. While the success rates of IVF have improved dramatically over the years, the process can still be emotionally and physically challenging for many people. As a result, some people may experience feelings of regret, whether it's due to failed attempts, multiple rounds [...]

My IVF Regrets2024-09-02T13:52:36+10:00

15+ Reasons Why Having an Only Child is the Best Decision You Will Make


There are a few stigmas when it comes to being or having an only child. They are/will be lonely. They are/will be spoilt. They are/will be selfish. But these negative stereotypes aren't reserved just for an only child. Any child can be lonely, spoilt and selfish or even have imaginary friends. I know a lot of it comes down to parenting, and we all do that differently. And while there are great reasons to have any number of children, there are also some disadvantages. So here are 15+ reasons why having an only child is a good idea and the [...]

15+ Reasons Why Having an Only Child is the Best Decision You Will Make2024-09-02T14:09:27+10:00

Mother Daughter Date Ideas on the Peninsula


Lately, I've been enjoying some mother daughter dates in the beautiful place I live, the Peninsula. I love these little snippets of time that I get to spend with just her. And I have been making a real effort with her to just get out of the house for a few hours because TV seems to rule her life. Find out our favourite places to visit on for mother daughter dates on the Peninsula. Although I think I've also been to all of these places with my husband as a whole-family outing! Mother daughter date ideas on the Peninsula Bounce [...]

Mother Daughter Date Ideas on the Peninsula2023-12-11T16:50:31+11:00

I am that mum that judges other mums


I am that mum that judges other mums. And I’m not afraid to admit it. And do you know why? Because I just myself more harshly than I judge anyone else. I’ve been that mum In many cases, I’ve been that mum. You know the one, where you look at the kid and think to yourself, I would never be like that/do that/let my child do that. Famous last words. My daughter often leaves the house in the morning without having brushed her teeth. There have been more occasions where her hair hasn’t been brushed. And the most embarrassing morning [...]

I am that mum that judges other mums2019-09-07T10:38:28+10:00

13 Things To Do When Going Through Fertility Treatment


Infertility sucks. I know. I’ve been there. And I hid it from almost everyone I know. I was ashamed that my body wasn’t working the way it ‘should’. I hated every person that asked me when I was going to have a baby, now I hate it when they ask about having another baby. I’d hated every new pregnancy announcement. So I had to find things to do when going through fertility treatment. Put yourself first I put this first on the list because I believe it is the most important thing. And something that often needs to be re-learned [...]

13 Things To Do When Going Through Fertility Treatment2023-02-07T12:48:21+11:00

9 Things I Would Tell Any New Mum


New mums get so much advice. Sometimes it's useful. Other times it's just uncalled for. Here are the top 9 things I would tell any new mum. Get out of the house by yourself or with a friend ASAP I believe that taking my daughter out to lunch with my sister in law when she was less than a week old helped me in the long run. It prepared me to get her ready to be somewhere that didn’t have a time limit so that I knew what I needed when I did have a time limit. It made it [...]

9 Things I Would Tell Any New Mum2019-06-28T19:38:37+10:00

Creating Family Traditions


I had a few unusual family traditions growing up. It was a family tradition that my mum worked on Christmas day. And now that I’m 31, she still works Christmas day. My brother and I used to race against each other to “pinch, punch, first of the month". Our family vacations consisted of going to my nan’s house in the country a few times a year. Sure we had big family holidays. But they were never overseas. And they were only every four or so years. Creating family traditions But now that I am a parent, I have an idea [...]

Creating Family Traditions2019-06-05T19:14:08+10:00

Please Stop Asking Me When I’m Going To Have Another Child


Please stop asking me when I’m going to have another child. It’s really none of your business. But because you insist on asking me, I come up with something that sounds gracious. I’d never tell them my real answer. When we found out we needed assistance to have a child I made a promise to myself that I would never ask anyone when they were going to have a child or if they were going to have another one. Maybe they have experienced infertility. Maybe they have experienced a loss. Maybe they chose not to have children. It really is [...]

Please Stop Asking Me When I’m Going To Have Another Child2022-07-03T11:13:21+10:00

Why I Give Money For Birthdays


Birthday season is upon me and the majority are first birthdays. Between friends, family & parents group, there are about 10 in the span of 2 months, not including my own daughter. On top of all the first birthdays, I also have my mother in law’s birthday, my mothers birthday and my husband is turning 30. Then after all of those, it's Christmas! So what do you even get for a one-year-old? I’m sure they have enough clothes. I’m positive they don't need any more toys. And if they are anything like my daughter, are happy to play with the [...]

Why I Give Money For Birthdays2019-04-07T14:01:02+10:00

Musings of a Super Mum


Years ago a friend of mine used to always update her Facebook status with a long list of mundane things that she had done for the day. Vacuumed, mopped the floors, changed the bed sheets, washed the towels, washed two loads of clothes, folded all the clothes and put them away, mowed lawn etc. You get the picture. Sometimes posts like that appeared several times a day, each time with new things added to the list. She thought she was a super mum. And I get it now. Now that I am a mum, the household chores often fall by [...]

Musings of a Super Mum2021-04-30T17:07:57+10:00

5 Things I Wish I Did Before Becoming A Parent


I wouldn’t change a thing. But if I can pass on a small nugget of advice to anyone, it would make my day. I don’t like to use the word regret. It implies that you would change it if you had the chance. I wouldn’t change a thing but there are a few things I wish I did before becoming a parent. 5 things I wish I did before becoming a parent Save Money I saved like mad until I moved in with my husband. That’s how we managed to have such a decent house deposit. It’s also how we [...]

5 Things I Wish I Did Before Becoming A Parent2023-02-09T14:33:33+11:00

The Best Parenting Advice I Ever Received


People give you a lot of advice when you are a parent. And to be honest, sometimes the advice even starts before you fall pregnant. The best parenting advice I ever received came from my parent's group facilitator. But first I should explain what parents group is. I’m lucky enough to live in a fantastic area that provides government-run groups for first-time parents. I was placed in a group in my local area with parents that had similarly aged children. My daughter was nine weeks old at our first meeting, along with all but one older baby. There was a [...]

The Best Parenting Advice I Ever Received2019-02-22T13:48:59+11:00

After the birth


After a total of four nights in the hospital, I was I was finally discharged. Armed with my birth notes, and a referral for a colorectal surgeon, we left the hospital. And boy, was I surprised at how hard the walk to the car was. All up it was about 100 metres but felt more like a 5k! Physical healing After being discharged I kept an eye on my stitches so I could see how things were improving. Ten days after the birth of my daughter it didn’t look right down there. My mum is a nurse so I asked [...]

After the birth2021-04-30T17:00:38+10:00

My Birth Story


After childbirth, everyone wants to hear your birth story. What you expected, what you experienced and of course what pain medication you had. My number one goal for the birth of my daughter was to avoid a cesarean. The next goal was to avoid an induced labour. But I was given an induction date at my 40-week appointment. Which was 12 days after my due date. I honestly didn’t try to interfere too much but I felt confident that I could avoid being induced. I had two ‘stretch and sweeps’, the second being a bit more vigorous than the first. [...]

My Birth Story2018-11-06T09:14:35+11:00
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