
Health / Fitness

Explore a wide range of articles, tips, and expert advice to help you optimize your physical and mental health. From fitness routines and nutritious recipes to wellness strategies and mindfulness practices, this category covers all aspects of living a healthy and balanced life. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast, a wellness seeker, or simply looking to improve your overall well-being, join us on this transformative journey to unlock your full potential and thrive.

Harley the Pomeranian Gets a New Toy


Harley the Pomeranian has been settling in quite well. He now has plenty of toys to keep him occupied when he is home alone or when I am unavailable. He now has: 2x rainbow rubber band balls with bells inside (which is actually a cat toy!) small chew bone (that easily gets lost under the couch) tennis balls tethered by a rope that is shaped like a bone RELATED: Harley the Pom meets a Friend I am a little amazed that he seems to play with all of his toys equally and doesn’t seem overly possessive of them. He inherited a few [...]

Harley the Pomeranian Gets a New Toy2019-03-29T21:55:16+11:00

Harley the Pomeranian


On Wednesday April 2, I came home from work to find something fluffy with four legs wandering around my house. Earlier in the day, my husband had hinted at getting me an early Easter present. Something to keep me company while he is working on the weekends. I had a feeling I knew what he was hinting at but I didn't really think he would go through with it though. I’m not sure how we will cope when the time comes to choose baby names. We really struggled to name him. I wanted something that would remind us of our [...]

Harley the Pomeranian2018-08-27T21:56:22+10:00

The Color Run


I had seen photos from The Color Run around the internet. So when I saw an ad for it on tv, I knew I had to sign up. That was in 2012. I'm glad to say I was a part of the first Australian Color Run, which also happened to be the first in the Southern Hemisphere. Unfortunately, I missed out on the 2013 event as I was in America at the time. I signed up for the Grand Prix edition (at Albert Park Lake, the Formula 1 Melbourne Grand Prix track) by myself. But was secretly hoping to find [...]

The Color Run2018-11-07T21:44:54+11:00
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