

My IVF Regrets


In-Vitro Fertilization, or IVF, comes with a lot of things. And for me, one of those things is regret. While IVF treatment can be amazing, it certainly is life-changing, regardless of the result. But, as I said, I have a few IVF regrets. Here's hoping you learn from me and have zero regrets about your cycle of IVF. While the success rates of IVF have improved dramatically over the years, the process can still be emotionally and physically challenging for many people. As a result, some people may experience feelings of regret, whether it's due to failed attempts, multiple rounds [...]

My IVF Regrets2024-09-02T13:52:36+10:00

Coping with anxiety during fertility treatments


Infertility can bring up a number of mental health concerns. And anxiety is probably the most common. Due to the nature of the treatments involved, you might already be very attuned with your bodies. Noticing subtle changes and become conscious of every possible ache, twinge or sensation in your body. Your thoughts are racing and you are worried about all sorts of things you should or shouldn’t be doing. Which makes it very difficult to relax and not think about it. You wonder how you can possibly switch off and not think about something that is so important to you. [...]

Coping with anxiety during fertility treatments2023-02-09T12:46:22+11:00

13 Things To Do When Going Through Fertility Treatment


Infertility sucks. I know. I’ve been there. And I hid it from almost everyone I know. I was ashamed that my body wasn’t working the way it ‘should’. I hated every person that asked me when I was going to have a baby, now I hate it when they ask about having another baby. I’d hated every new pregnancy announcement. So I had to find things to do when going through fertility treatment. Put yourself first I put this first on the list because I believe it is the most important thing. And something that often needs to be re-learned [...]

13 Things To Do When Going Through Fertility Treatment2023-02-07T12:48:21+11:00

Please Stop Asking Me When I’m Going To Have Another Child


Please stop asking me when I’m going to have another child. It’s really none of your business. But because you insist on asking me, I come up with something that sounds gracious. I’d never tell them my real answer. When we found out we needed assistance to have a child I made a promise to myself that I would never ask anyone when they were going to have a child or if they were going to have another one. Maybe they have experienced infertility. Maybe they have experienced a loss. Maybe they chose not to have children. It really is [...]

Please Stop Asking Me When I’m Going To Have Another Child2022-07-03T11:13:21+10:00

After the birth


After a total of four nights in the hospital, I was I was finally discharged. Armed with my birth notes, and a referral for a colorectal surgeon, we left the hospital. And boy, was I surprised at how hard the walk to the car was. All up it was about 100 metres but felt more like a 5k! Physical healing After being discharged I kept an eye on my stitches so I could see how things were improving. Ten days after the birth of my daughter it didn’t look right down there. My mum is a nurse so I asked [...]

After the birth2021-04-30T17:00:38+10:00

6 Lessons I Learned From IVF


Going through IVF isn't easy. Three is so much new information about the reproductive system that you never learned at school. The added physical and mental strain of something so invasive. Not to mention all of the money involved. So here are the 6 lessons I learned from IVF. How the menstrual cycle actually works Sure I learned about the menstrual cycle at school, but that really only covers the basics. Now I know that your body often gives you signs of what’s happening on the inside. From hormonal acne to cravings to cervical mucus, I know my body better [...]

6 Lessons I Learned From IVF2022-07-03T10:37:09+10:00

When Pregnancy Announcements Are Too Much


Every new pregnancy announcement still sends my brain into a whirl. I thought after getting pregnant with my daughter those feelings would go away. My daughter is now 21 months, and my initial feelings are still the same. My heart jumps into my throat, and my knees go weak. I can’t look away from the screen. I hope that it's all just a silly prank. If I'm honest, I also think they are an idiot, but that's a story for another day. I can’t help but take it personally. It’s like the universe is constantly reminding me. I know they [...]

When Pregnancy Announcements Are Too Much2023-09-18T15:15:46+10:00
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