Maxine's Challenge Week 1

So this is it, Maxine’s Challenge week 1. Last year I looked at doing the Maxine’s Shape-Up Challenge (now called M Challenge) after I heard about it on Max’s Muscle TV. Unfortunately, I left it too late to register. But I remembered this year and managed to fulfil the requirements in time. The challenge looks at both nutrition and exercise for results. The female challenge, “Tone & Shape” is focused on weight loss and the male challenge focuses on getting strong but both nutrition and exercise plans are available depending on your goals.

The first week has just ended and what a week it was! I was busy with full-time work, an additional 10 hours of work after hours, running a household, as well as the change in diet and exercise.

I was quite surprised by how I felt after the first two days. I found that I could survive on less food than I had always planned for. I’m probably thirsty rather than hungry. I am rarely thirsty and I know I don’t drink enough. Some days I can go the whole day on about 500mL.

I’ve been writing down everything that I’ve been eating, drinking and the exercise that I’ve been doing. This is mostly so I can keep track of it. It also allows me to see when I’m slacking off as some patterns may emerge. I just typed something up in excel and printed them blank to fill in. I’d post exactly what I’m eating but I’m not too proud of my first week’s effort!

RELATED: Maxine’s Challenge

I had some mild sugar withdrawal headaches on Wednesday and Thursday, which surprised me. I like to think that I eat pretty well and clean anyway, I had already been doing my own version of protein oats as a last minute lunch at work. I’m not much of a tea or coffee drinker, maybe two coffees a week but certainly never more than one a day as I’m pretty sensitive to caffeine. I do like to have a chai in the afternoon as a pick me up sometimes, so the days I have a coffee I don’t allow myself to have a chai as well.

From Thursday I was craving something sweet after dinner which was a little odd since I don’t normally eat dessert, so I just made myself a cup of green tea. I’ve also been trying to get to bed earlier to avoid the sweet cravings.

I had some dizzy spells on Friday, so I nibbled on a small piece of dark chocolate and had more water.

I’m not sure that I would call week 1 a success as I don’t really feel any different, albeit a bit sore (DOMS), and haven’t seen any results like some people have. But I’m sure I will see results in the week 4 fitness test.

green tea in my new teacup

salmon and salad

2 scrambled eggs and mashed avocado on rye toast

Which Maxine's products are best?

Maxine’s Burn Protein Bars - the Double Choc Fudge and Cookies & Cream are my favourite!
Maxine’s Burn Low Carb Cookie - eating cookies as part of the meal plan during a fitness challenge? Yes please!
Maxine's Burn Protein - The chocolate or strawberry flavours taste just like a thickshake from Macca’s.
Maxine's Night Slow Release Protein Powder - help your body repair and recover while you sleep.
Use KATHLEEN10 for 10% off each order.

Get $$$ for signing up to ShopBack PLUS cash back on all products at Elite Supps, they have everything to get you started!

Skip to another week:

Maxine’s Challenge week 1
Maxine’s Challenge week 2
Maxine’s Challenge Review


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