Part self-help book, part memoir and part diet and exercise guide, Strong Looks Better Naked by Khloe Kardashian provides practical advice and personal anecdotes in this inspiring book.
I had to wait a little while for Strong Looks Better Naked to become available at the library. But I didn’t mind waiting. I get an email notification when something is ready for me to collect, which is one of the reasons why I love my library.
The book features three parts. Each covers a specific area of your life; body, mind, and heart.
If you’re not excited about your life, it’s up to you to make your life exciting.
― Khloé Kardashian, Strong Looks Better Naked
A strong body
The body section focuses on exercise and food. And this makes sense, as they often go hand in hand when it comes to self improvement.
Khloe talks about how she first started going to the gym. Believe it or not, it didn’t start out to be about weight loss. And she details how she came to love exercise.
She details how to set realistic goals and find a way to work out that you really love. After all, not everyone loves the gym. Some body types are suited to different types of exercise.
The foods you eat also play a large role when it comes to the strength of body.
A strong mind
This section focuses on developing a strong and resilient mindset.
The mind section concentrates on willpower, getting your head on straight, making the best of everything, friendships and learning to recognize when you need to let something go.
She discusses the power of positivity, the importance of setting goals, and the role of visualization in achieving success.
A strong heart
The heart section emphasises compassion, thinking before you act and that life is not a competition, the only competition you should have is yourself.
This section centres on your emotional well-being and relationships. Strength of heart, if you will.
Khloe talks about her experiences with love, heartbreak, and the lessons she learned from failed relationships. She emphasizes the importance of self-care, setting boundaries, and maintaining healthy relationships.
There is a sample of what she eats in a day. Which includes a lot of water, a black coffee (not a PSL) and your typical steamed vegetables and fish or other lean protein.
There are also at least 20 recipes that cover all the bases: breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and beverages. It includes the famous recipe for Koko’s Kale.
There are tons of photos of Khloe and her family at various times in her life. As well as numerous inspiring quotes (keep a look out on quote Monday).
Plus she includes a playlist to inspire you and push your limits.
Why you should read it
You should read this if:
- you generally like self-help books
- you’re an avid Kardashian viewer
- you like an easy read
- you like to read about a tv personality
- you’re curious what Khloé is like in real life
This book was a great little perk me up.
If you want to be reminded to be the best version of yourself. Through exercise, eating nutritious food and spending time with like-minded people.
I don’t think I could say that this book will inspire you to make drastic changes to your life.
But it may make you think about a few things in your own life that could be improved. Because small changes really do add up.
I also think this is a great book to read every year or so. Just to give you an extra nudge with some motivation to be the best possible version of yourself.
Strong Looks Better Naked combines personal stories, motivational insights, and practical how-to advice to inspire readers to lead healthier, more empowered lives. If you find this review interesting, consider picking up a copy of the only official Khloé Kardashian book.