I've Made No Money From My Blog In 5 Years If you go back to my first ever blog post, you will see that starting a blog was one of my goals for that year. And I honestly wanted to start a blog to make some extra money. Some years later and I wonder how I made $0 in 5 years of blogging.

Spend money to make money

I have to admit that I have been pretty lucky that I don’t have much in the way of expenses to run this blog. I started out on Blogger, a free blog platform owned by Google. When my husband started his digital marketing agency, he purchased a self-hosted domain for me and added a hosting account for me on his web server. As time went on, I spent some money on courses and software. And just last year I caved in and have been paying for a developer to upgrade my website. I’ve been quite lucky in that I know what I want. It seriously took my husband about half an hour in Photoshop to make my logo.
I am on the path to riches though. I have about $35 of Google AdSense revenue in my account. But I have to wait until that reaches $100 before it is paid out. I guess the good news at this stage is that its USD100.

How I Made $0 In 5 years of blogging

The easiest way to make no money blogging is to put in no effort. Which is what I was doing up until the middle of last year. And the majority of my content read like a diary. And I wrote in a way so as not to offend anyone.

I’m a real sucker for email opt-in too. If you have an email opt-in that promises me I will be better after reading your free one page PDF, there’s a good chance I have it. I think this has been one of my biggest downfalls. I’ve been trying to use all of these freebies and I’ve implemented them all badly. A jack of all trades but a master of none. I should really stick to one thing that works for me. I’m still not quite sure what that is, but one day I hope to get there.

Last year I started to focus on some of the things I have learned about blogging from courses, books and communities. I’m really excited to see where they take me.

And let’s not forget the rockstars out there making six figures a month. To someone just starting out they make it look so easy.

How I Made $0 in 5 years of blogging


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