I have just completed a pretty big feat. I have just completed updating all of my old Quote Monday posts. Back in November, I decided that I should be using the same layout for all of my Quote Monday posts. By then I was already up to 110, so that meant I had to re-do 110 posts. It has taken eight months, but I am proud to say it is done. It wasn’t easy. There were so many steps to make it right.
Quote Monday Redesign
The first thing I did was go through each and every Quote Monday post and enter the details into a spreadsheet. I had columns for the date posted, the post title (number), the quote and the author of the quote. Another great use for my spreadsheet is to keep track of which posts have been shared on Instagram and Pinterest.
Now that I had a template for how I wanted my Quote Monday posts to look, it was simply a matter of duplicating it. Which meant copy and pasting the quote and the author into the template.
The template I’ve been using is set up in Canva, so when I am ready I need to download it to my computer.
Before I upload the new image to my WordPress library, I rename it. There are a few reasons for this. It makes it easier when I need to search my media library in WordPress. I can copy and paste the title detail into other sections like the ALT tag. And it helps with another step further in this process.
The next monster task was to update all the posts with the new images. My spreadsheet came in handy once again to help me find the right image for the right post. So I had to go into each new post, remove the image that was there and add the new one.
Once the image has been updated on the blog, I transfer the image to another folder on my computer. I feel that I should keep all my images, just in case. I also add the post number to the beginning of the title, making it easier to find should I need it again.
And then
Now I can pin and Instagram until my heart is content because I know all my Quote Monday posts have the same look. Except if I find a spelling mistake. Which happened too many times when I was updating the post!