black and white stairs text overlay 2018 goals

2018 Goals

Here’s to the new year!

This year I have decided not to set any goals or resolutions, but pick a word, theme or phrase for the year.

I wish that I could claim this idea as my own. I first heard about it while listening to Happier with Gretchen Rubin, my favourite podcast.

The idea is you pick a word, theme or phrase to focus on for the year.

I have cheated, choosing 2 themes to focus on.


This theme is directed more towards friendships, but I also want to build stronger relationships with my family & colleagues.

I have a major idea in mind to help me tackle this.

In the last two years, most of my friends have had children. None of us has had much time for ourselves let alone time to catch up or a night off. So I plan to host a mum’s night off once a month for us all. The first one will be held at my house. Going to a restaurant is another idea too. I’ve also suggested to my husband that he also do something similar with the other husbands on another night.

I think the relationship I have with my immediate family is so strong at the moment but I want to extend that to the rest of my family. I’d like to visit my nan a bit more regularly. I’d like a regular catch up with my in-laws.

Mise en Place

Mine en place is the French phrase meaning the preparation of dishes & ingredients before the beginning of service in a professional kitchen.

But I’m going to use it a bit differently. I am taking it to mean everything in its place. So that means at the end of the night putting things away, organising areas of the house & decluttering.

I also want to take the time to put things in their proper place for each room in the house, & make better use of the space. Trying to be smart, I think I can tackle one of these areas per month:

  • Kitchen
  • Laundry
  • Bathroom
  • Garage
  • Ensuite
  • Linen cupboard
  • wardrobe
  • Elise’s room
  • Digital (phone, computer & email)