19 for 2019
I first heard about 18 for 2018 on the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast. So 19 for 2019 is not a new concept to me. But the thought of achieving 19 things this year was quite daunting.
I’ve struggled over the years to stick to any new years resolutions that I make. So in 2018, I decided to pick a theme for the year. Actually, I picked two. I’ve also picked two main themes to focus on in 2019, but there are a lot of one-off things that I want to do too.
So here is my 19 for 2019 list. All of the items are based on something that only needs to be done once in order for the goal to be achieved.

19 in 2019

○ Have a legal will drawn up
○ Transfer house ownership
○ Skin check
○ Clean out plastics cupboard
○ Get my hair cut by a hairdresser
○ Fix the blind in the spare bedroom so it works properly
○ Get some more professional looking photos of myself
○ Take sensitive paperwork to get shredded
○ Get new glasses
○ Read 20 adult books
○ Squad weekend away
○ Take a DNA test to find out more about my ancestry
○ Attend a local business meetup
○ Watch Lord of the Rings trilogy
○ Take a yoga class
○ Visit a local winery
○ Have a massage
○ Stay overnight somewhere I haven’t been before
○ See a movie at the cinema

Many of these are just things that are on my to-do list. Some are more important than others. Some I can get done relatively soon. And about half of them require payment for services rendered.


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I didn’t really want to do 19 for 2019 but I realised there are a lot of one off things I’d like to do, so here’s my list!

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