How I Keep Calm In Traffic

Heavy traffic can be the bane of your existence if you drive to work. Here are the things I do to keep calm in traffic and make the commute a bit more bearable.

How I keep calm in traffic

Listen to the radio

The main reason I listen to the radio when I’m driving is to get the traffic report. Most radio stations deliver a traffic report roughly every 15 minutes during peak times. Because of this, I can make an informed decision about which roads to take to my destination.

The music and DJs also help pass the time. I often think about how I could contribute if I had to call in about the topic they are talking about.

Minimise distractions

I keep my phone on silent most of the time, not just when I’m driving but when I am work too. I also keep it in the phone pocket of my bag, on the floor on the passenger side of my car. The radio is generally up loud enough that I don’t hear it vibrate and I occasionally have missed calls, text messages or notifications when I check my phone at my destination.

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Know the roads

In case you need to take a different route, it helps to know the roads. My car doesn’t have a built-in GPS, so knowing the roads comes in handy. Sometimes you will have no choice but to figure it out as you go.

A bonus here is to be able to orient yourself by knowing which way is north and knowing which general direction you need to go.

Play a game

I like to take note of some of the cars around me and track my progress against theirs. I try to pick a memorable vehicle or two (usually ones with branding of some sort, it makes them easy to remember) and compare which lanes are moving faster. It is sometimes interesting to see further along the road once the traffic has cleared if I see them again.

Know the flow

Knowing which lanes flow better on the freeway help you take advantage of the ones that move a bit faster than others. Generally, the lanes where traffic merges tend to move slower, but that is not always the case.

Use audio books

For long trips, I like to listen to audiobooks. If I know I will be in the car for at least an hour, it’s a great way to multi-task. Most of the audiobooks I like to listen to are ones I can learn from such as business, personal finance and even self-help. The only time I avoid this is during peak traffic periods where I find its best to listen to the radio for the traffic report.
long exposure of cars on a road at night. text overlay how I keep calm in traffic

night traffic text overlay: How I Keep Calm In Traffic
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